Thursday, 3 September 2015

Method 2 of 3: Making Immediate Changes

Method 2 of 3: Making Immediate Changes

Let your hair down. Constant use of elastic bands, pins, and clips stresses out your hair making it prone to breaking. Although it is certainly easier (especially if you’re keeping your hair washing to a minimum) to just throw your hair up and be done with it, you’re increasing the damage done to your hair. When you can, let your hair loose and leave it unpinned.

Brush it out. The main reason for frequent hair washing is a buildup of natural oils near the scalp. These oils are created by your body to nourish your hair and help it to grow out long. The problem? They get stuck at your scalp and have a difficult time travelling down the shaft of the hair, especially when it's already on the long side. To distribute the oils and keep your hair soft and healthy, use a natural bristle brush to comb your hair 1-2 times a day. However, avoid brushing your hair when it's wet as this will increase the likelihood of breakage while brushing.

Get a new shampoo. It’s nice to be frugal but if you’re buying cheap shampoo with added silicone you’re preventing your hair from growing long. Silicone in shampoo coats your strands of hair and blocks out nutrients, making it difficult for hair to get the things it needs to stay healthy. Spend a few extra dollars to purchase a shampoo lacking this specific ingredient and your hair will be reaping the benefits.

Try using biotin. Biotin is a nifty supplement that greatly increases the growth of proteins in your hair and nails. You can purchase biotin supplements in health food stores. Taken on a daily basis, your hair will grow in faster and stronger, making a significant push for length in the process.

Take your vitamins. Most of the vitamins necessary for healthy hair come in the fruits and vegetables you should eat on a daily basis. To get an extra punch from these vitamins though, take a bit extra on a daily basis. Choose a multivitamin, or try taking supplements for vitamins A, B2, and E which all benefit hair growth.[3]

Get a hot oil massage. A scalp bogged down in product buildup and poor circulation will slow the growth of hair. Keep your scalp in tip top shape with hot oil massages. Heat up jojoba, coconut, or olive oil in proportion to your total amount of hair. When it is warm (not hot) to the touch, massage it into your scalp. The heat and pressure from the oil and your massage will increase the production of hair from the root. Let the oil sit in your hair for at least 15 minutes before rinsing it out.

Make an egg white mask. After numerous trials over the years, it looks as if egg whites help increase the speed at which your hair grows. Whip up a few egg whites and apply them to your hair, focusing on the root. Allow the mask to sit for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it out. The egg whites will stimulate hair growth while adding shine and luster to dull hair.

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Do a deep conditioning treatment. Deep conditioning treatments, available at salons or for purchase from beauty supply stores, help to quickly replenish nutrients and youth to your hair in a single sitting. Do these once a month on your hair to keep it strong and increase its growth speed.

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