Wednesday, 2 September 2015

How to deal with challenges of puberty


These messages and information being passed to the new and growing person may be through human beings or through machines such as computer, books, newspapers and television. Similarly, any major event such as death or divorce between the parents within the family or arrival of a new birth may cause major influence on the growing child.

In all, this is the stage of great curiosity when the child could easily master any appropriate skill that may aid future conducts and productivity. At this stage, the child is defenceless, has no sense of risks or dangers. The child could not say “no” to illegal approaches, or discern what is morally good from what is bad. The vulnerability is huge. He believes all and trusts in practically everyone. Yet, his or her memory of these individuals and events around him or her cannot be so erased when he/she becomes adult. Years 6-10: A couple of events would prepare the child for her future role: good or bad. a) The child is a great learner even if academically poor. He or she learns in other ways: thinking or asking questions about his body and environment. He wonders why things are in the way they are. He or she would like to change things or see things done in certain ways. b) The hormones that will later in life, affect the child’s future will gradually but in some unpredictable ways, increase in their activities including the hormones that dictate physical growth (growth hormone) and overall appearance either transforming as a male or female. c) The child’s sexual identity is by now almost irreversible. The private part (genitals) is now well defined. d) The child has great enquiring mind, trying to understand his environments. He or she wonders aloud often asking embarrassing questions from the adults. He or she dreams what the adult found impossible or even found ridiculous which to the child, may not be a major issue. The child has very limited sense of danger and risks. He or she could undertake a potentially dangerous task. The ability to discern good from bad is clearly present in this age group. However, depending on what he has been taught, the child is vulnerable to abuse from peers and adults. He believes all and trusts in practically everyone. Therefore, the future behaviour

of the child could considerably be influenced at this point in life—forever even unto the next generation! Yet, his or her memory of events at this age preserved.

Age of 10 to 13 Years. “From here, we go our different ways” is perhaps the best way to describe the changes at this age range. These are crucial years for the child, the parent or guardian, teachers and the society. This age range is the age in which visible differences occur between male and female: in which a girl will be a girl, later a woman and a boy will be boy, later a man. This is a vulnerable and perilous time. Some changes take place in the child (see below for more) and so many questions are asked by the growing teen: Those questions deserve credible answers to such an extent that, a wrong answer could affect the child’s world view permanently. Presumably, the child, boy or girl is in school at this stage, tutored by the parents (or not influenced at all), the school teachers and the peers. This is the age group that the law and the larger society begins to expect some social and legal responsibility from the child. As we shall see later, this is the age when rebellion at home and rebellion against the law might begin to appear. Welcome to teenage years.

The Girl and the Young Woman The girl, at this age is hugely at advantage: hormonally speaking. The girl’s body (under effect of estrogens and progesterone, as well as moderate effect of testosterone hormones) begins to be increasingly active with dramatic effects. This is the time when due to the increased hormones (follicle stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone) from the brain (pituitary), estrogens, progesterone from the ovaries begin to affect the rest of her body. Also, due to the hormones and in particular, testosterone, the skin may be greasy due to increased oil production under the skin, pimples may appear on the face and in some girls, and pimples may be troublesome.

Thus: (a) The breasts begin to be enlarged steadily and even dramatically. (b) Hairs appear in the armpits and gradually in the private area (pubic hair) and other areas of the skin. (c) Growth/height is accelerated faster than similar age group in boys (d) Size/girth/waist increases (e) Finally at about 13years (or sooner in some girls), of age in most girls, though may be delayed in others, menstruation sets in, first irregularly which may later settle down in most girls to regular periods at about 17-18 years of age. This is what is called “period” or “monthly” events.

The yesteryears baby may now have the appearance of a young pretty woman though she is very immature in every other way. She becomes conscious of herself and boys or even men may begin, to her surprise, to show interest in her! (f) At this stage of 13, the girl is virtually ready hormonally (but not mentally nor physically until about 18-20 years), for one of the tasks before her: reproduction! If she is unguided, she is at great risk indeed from sexual abuse and early pregnancy.

The Boy and the Young Man In general, the boys lag behind the girls in the growth spurt race even though, on balance, most boys will catch up and exceed the girls later— in height. This occurs, because of the slight delay in production of hormone, testosterone, in boys. Unlike in girls, the major active hormone in boys is testosterone which is produced by the testes. With this exception, the growth in boys takes the same pattern as girls in that: (a) Testosterone begin to be increased in active amount from age of nine-years and reach high levels at about 14-16 when the growth of the boy is accelerated. (b) From 11-14, there is increased in amount and length of hairs in the face, armpit, and private part (genitals), and other areas of the boy. (c) The testes and penis is enlarged and there is on-going preparation for reproduction. d) At about 14-16, the boy may have the first involuntary production of semen, often at night, to his amazement! This involuntary emission of semen or sperm is called “wet-dream.” The emission and experience is perfectly normal. There is also a rapid increase in height and girth. The young man will need counselling to be well informed about what is happening to his body at this stage. His sperm may be fertile enough to get a girl pregnant! Unguided, he may become a father too soon

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